Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hiding Under The Sheets

During the summer I felt an urge to write short stories, so when I returned to Los Angeles I decided to take a short story writing class. Although I'm very shy about letting people read my work, I've learned criticism helps me become a better writer. So here I am, sharing a lovemaking scene I have to present to my teacher next week with you. A tiny bit of my work poured into the world...

"As we walked into his loft, I felt relief. I told him to keep the lights off and he led me down a hallway towards his room. I could feel my hand trembling in his, still anxious. He closed the door behind us, melting all my fears. 

The lights from a jazz bar across the street filtered through the window so I could see his eyes frozen on me, longing for the taste of my sex. I felt an urge to kiss him but I didn’t. Instead, I leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “Make love to me.” 

Our moans blended with the rain pouring outside and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck, ticklish. My hands clenched to the mattress as a cold breeze kissed our naked bodies entangled in ecstasy.

Hiding under the sheets, I thought my love for him would be endless."

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