Monday, October 31, 2011

A Love for Food

I've always loved food but my relationship with it has not always been good. The breakfasts my dad used to cook for me when I was a kid with eggs, rice, fried potatoes and sausages, are one of my earliest memories. I come from a culture where eating is a social event. Having lunch and dinner with family and friends is part of our daily lives. 
However, in adolescence, my love for food turned into a sin. For years I've had a love-hate relationship with food but my love for it was too strong so any attempts of becoming an anorexic, luckily failed. I love eating healthy (thanks to my mom) and since I moved to LA, I've been forced to cook myself. And I love it! In fact, I've been considering if that should have been my career path. 
I not only enjoy being in the kitchen preparing a dish, experimenting with flavors and adding my own touch to the recipes I gather, but I also love the process of going grocery shopping at Whole Foods.
Lately, I've been trying new recipes. My latest favorite ones: roasted red peppers with goat cheese and linguini alle vongole. Did you know that Italians don't mix onion and garlic in the pasta sauce? Well, they don't. They use onion when cooking a sauce with meat and garlic, in sauces with seafood. That's what you learn when you surround yourself with Italians, among other things.
Another recent discovery is raw living vegetarian cuisine. Basically, the food is not cooked and the ingredients are all organic. And surprisingly, the food is delicious. My favorite dishes so far, the lasagna at LifeFood Organic and the portobello burger at Cru.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hiding Under The Sheets

During the summer I felt an urge to write short stories, so when I returned to Los Angeles I decided to take a short story writing class. Although I'm very shy about letting people read my work, I've learned criticism helps me become a better writer. So here I am, sharing a lovemaking scene I have to present to my teacher next week with you. A tiny bit of my work poured into the world...

"As we walked into his loft, I felt relief. I told him to keep the lights off and he led me down a hallway towards his room. I could feel my hand trembling in his, still anxious. He closed the door behind us, melting all my fears. 

The lights from a jazz bar across the street filtered through the window so I could see his eyes frozen on me, longing for the taste of my sex. I felt an urge to kiss him but I didn’t. Instead, I leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “Make love to me.” 

Our moans blended with the rain pouring outside and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck, ticklish. My hands clenched to the mattress as a cold breeze kissed our naked bodies entangled in ecstasy.

Hiding under the sheets, I thought my love for him would be endless."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


My name is Sara. Sara means "princess" in Hebrew. But I'm not a princess, I'm just a regular girl trying to find my way in life. A girl who laughs and cries too, who loves reading, going to the beach, traveling, being with my friends and family... 
A regular girl who just wants to be happy, to be in love, to live adventures and see the world. A girl with dreams but with uncertain goals. 
I created this blog about a year ago but I didn't know what to write about. I'm still not sure. All I know is that through words I express myself, I release my pain, I communicate...
So, I guess I'll write about everything and anything. 
This is me. Or at least a bit of it.

(on the road, Norway)