Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Brief Introduction

I love Coixet's movies, bookstores, sushi, the smells of India, writing, Fashion, nail-polish, the beach, the sound of the rain, Jackson Pollock's paintings, banana bread, chai latte, going to the cinema, watching the stars, Japanese literature, traveling, acting goofy with my little brother, Haagen Dazs Banoffee ice-cream, cooking, lying in bed with my mom, my dogs, my MINI Cooper, Amelie's soundtrack, Cy Twombly's "Four Seasons", the French movie LOL, London's markets, Paris, New York, going to the ballet, red plums, snorkeling, "The Incredibles", my friends, my dad's breakfasts, Carla Guelfenbein's novels, my Screenwriting workshop and Business classes...

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